courtesy of Taito BAD
In Japan, bikeshare programs are
"experimented" widespreadly. Cautious bureaucrats do not want
to invest in a policy scheme involving some risks of failure.
The "experiment" framework provides a convenient excuse in case
of failures.
In October 2002, Taito City experimented a community cycle program.
This project was funded by the national government's Social Experiment
grants. This program used key boxes that can be opened by magnet-striped
membership cards in order to prevent thefts. Even though 12 rental
locations were provided in an 1 sq. mile area, many users felt
more locations are necessary.
However, Japanese do not have technologies suitable for ubiquitous
CCS because they have invested too much in the technologies for
RCS with massive centralized infrastructures (e.g. technology
of mutli-storied automatic bicycle rack like this
is awesome). I think European companies with the experience of
CCS should come to Japan to sell their technologies.
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